The Library Follows open Access System. Students can take books from the stacks to the Reading Room for browsing through them . they leave such books on the Tables and Not shelve them, as A Books misplaced is a book list.
Every Library User has a right to a Peaceful Environment for reading. Please make sure that you are not Violating the right of other users.
Entry to library is permitted on production of valid I.D. Card issued by University.
Personal belongings should be kept Outside the Library/in Property Counter at owners risk
No Valuable items viz., Money, Pass Books, Mobiles, Assets, etc should be kept in your bag while keeping them in Property Counter
Personal Books/ Checked out Books are not allowed for consultation/reference in the library.
Mobile should be Switched Off or kept on Silent Mode inside library.
Eating /Smoking/ lathering in the Library Premises is Strigity Probated.